So What's this all about

Overview and general information

So What's this all about

Postby SKYMATTY » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:56 pm

Firstly welcome to the Yellow Diamond Clubs. :D

We thought it would be a good idea to post a message here to explain what this site is all about and to put a stop to some of the rumours that are going about at the moment.

The Yellow Diamond site was created by Simon to achieve two things, they are :

Firstly the main aim of the site is to help raise the profile of all the of the YD Forums with Google and Yahoo search engines as you will see all the YD forums are linked from this site.

We must stress that YD is not a replacement for any of the clubs or forums in anyway, and non of the clubs or forums will be shut down.

Secondly we are hoping to bring all the members of all our forums together and give them a common place to chat and exchange views on part suppliers and post Pictures of events that have been held etc.

Please feel free to PM me or Simon with any ideas you may have for new forum sections that you would like to be included on this site.

So if you have not registerd here yet then sign up and join the fun :) :)

Also if anyone has any comments or concerns please feel free to PM me and I will see what I can do to help


Matty :D
Last edited by SKYMATTY on Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Updated information
Yes i have broken my Paj AGAIN
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Location: Great Wishford, Salisbury

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